The Awakening Process

The Awakening Process
By David Hooper

First of all, let’s be clear what I am talking about.  When I refer to waking up, I mean the process of learning the truth about how we’ve been systematically deceived and the truth of how the world is really governed and the truth of the future plan for the American people and the rest of humanity.  Maybe, I am catching up to lots of other people, but at least for me, I am also talking about waking up to how accurate the Bible is as a historical document.

I am not talking about some spiritual awakening that involves meditation and chakras.  Although, there are definitely spiritual elements involved, this is an awakening of knowledge about the reality in which we live.

I’ll discuss the stages I went through.  It doesn’t mean you’ll experience all of them or that you won’t experience some not listed here.  Some came and went fast.  Some will be with me forever.  So keep in mind that this is just my story.

Stage 1:  State of Ignorance
Length:  42 Years
I lived all my life with little knowledge, but more importantly, no belief about any of this.  I scoffed at anyone that had anything to say about this.  In fact, I went out of my way to avoid anything that was Bible or conspiracy-related (which I find interesting, because either of those fields of study lead to truth).  I never questioned anything.  Just accepted it.  I assumed the world is as it appears.  And I was living in complete ignorance.

Stage 2:  Investment in Truth
Length: 3 Days
At a cocktail party with some business associates a few years back, someone mentioned his certainty about 9/11 being done from the inside.  I had been hearing this more and more from respected people, not the “conspiracy theory” types.  Nonetheless, my reaction was the same as anyone else coming out of a state of ignorance.  I didn’t believe it.  Didn’t even think it was possible.

He said the difference between us is that, “I have looked into it and you haven’t.”  He left me with one question and asked me to find my own answer.  The question was why did George Bush remain in a classroom for 30 minutes after we knew hijacked planes were in the air?  (Flight 93 and 77 would not be hijacked for another 10 minutes.  At the time, reports showed that there were as many as a dozen hijacked planes in the air).  His question was, “If no one really knew what was happening, why wouldn’t the secret service get him out of that school?  It had been on the President’s schedule for four days already.  What possessed the 20+ secret service members to do nothing, while a potentially-hijacked plane raced toward that school in Sarasota?”

I tried coming up with some on-the-spot explanations.  “Well, maybe, um, the Secret Service knew he was safe?”  He responded, “If they knew he was safe, they had prior knowledge, which at least means complicity.”  I was a little ticked.  “Well, uh, maybe he waved the Secret Service off?”  I really had no plausible explanation.  Again he came back gently, “First of all, that is not his call and second of all he does no such thing on the video.  Just get your own answer, Dave.  Do your own research and use your own brain.”

OK.  I was in, if for no other reason than to prove him wrong.   Sheepishly I admit, it would be another year before I actually looked, but it was on my radar screen.  It’s easily the biggest step, to actually look.  And it certainly was in my awakening.  From the time I started looking, I was a changed person. 

Stage 3:  Climbing Down the Rabbit Hole
Length: Still happening.
Whoa.  9/11 was my first peek behind the curtain.  It was astonishing all by itself.  But it’s only the tip of the iceberg.  How deep this rabbit hole goes is jaw-dropping, as I continue to discover things that were beyond my wildest imagination.

Once you start to see the information, not just about 9/11, but everything else, like the Federal Reserve and the true nature of our leaders, how the media really works, and the accuracy of the Bible, it changes how you view history.  And as you get deeper into the thousands of people, places and events from history, that have been altered, you begin to change as a person.  At least that’s what happened to me. 

I spent portions of the past two years with hand over mouth and a racing heart late into the night.  It was fascinating and scary to see how deep that rabbit hole really goes.  Daniel Webster put it nicely when he wrote, “There is nothing so powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange.”

This is when I started to share my indignation with others.  (Not a great idea).  I still didn’t see the big picture.  In fact, I saw only a dot of it.  So, what my friends and family heard, instead, were a bunch of disparate ramblings about various conspiracies every time I saw them.  This did not help my credibility.  It tunes others out, so by the time you fully see the whole picture, it’s hard to get people to listen to you.

My advice is to not get excited, don’t raise your voice and don’t send cryptic emails to your friends about what you are finding.  And definitely, don’t wake your wife up at 3am to tell her about CIA mind control techniques.  Just be cool.  My whole family was pissed off for a while until I learned how to communicate with them.  Yelling at your loved ones to, “’Wake the fuck up,’ does not work.”  Getting people to want to look for themselves is the only way I know that’s worked.  I still get excited when I talk about it, but I try to leave with a question that ignites curiosity.    

Stage 4:  Anger & Frustration
Length:  Various days over the course of two years.
When I started seeing some of the outright lies, I got mad.  Truly.  I was angry for being lied to, and I often took my anger out on people around me that weren’t waking up fast enough for my taste.  (Umm, that would be another mistake).  We all wake up at our own speed, if at all. 

After a while, though, it becomes a fact of life; you stop getting surprised.  And you realize that some people will be open to waking up and others just wont.  Period.  Maybe, the subconscious realization that your entire belief structure may crumble is too scary a prospect for many.  Personally, I thirst for true knowledge and never had a problem wanting to learn more.  With that said, I understand those who adopt an ignorance-is-bliss mentality, as there were a few moments I wish I hadn’t dug into this.  More on that later.

Stage 5:  Fear
Length:  Various days over 9 months, then it disappeared (see Stage 10).
It’s scary to find where your true enemy sits.  But, we’ve always been taught to fear something whether it be communism, the bomb, terrorists, and today, crazed gunmen.  All those manufactured fears were replaced by an understanding of how fear is used against us.  Fear is usually of the “unknown.”  It only works on the ignorant.  There is an incredible liberation that happens when you are fully awake. 

Like anything worthwhile, it must be earned.  As you walk through the valley of knowledge, it will be scary at times.  Just know that on the other side is true freedom.  Because you can only be truly free if you are aware.  If you are not aware, you are a sheep, to be herded.

Was I going to meet harm by speaking about this?  How extensive is the system to monitor our communications?  By now, I knew the real reason for the police state and monitoring infrastructure erected around us.  It wasn’t about terrorists, but about people that might oppose our own government.  It was about people like me.  As a real American patriot, I believe that we should oppose the portions of our government that have been hijacked and no longer serve the American people.  But that's a whole other story.

Stage 6:  Paranoia and Questioning of Sanity
Length:  3 months.
Discussing this may not help my credibility in some circles, but it’s the truth and it may help someone else going through it.  This stage came and went pretty quickly for me, thankfully.  But it led to some embarrassing moments and some self-questioning.  For a few weeks, I was scared “they” were watching me, checking for cars in my rearview mirror and stuff like that.  That is really embarrassing to admit.  Looking back on it, I chuckle, because that fear was based in my ignorance of how things really work, which is not the case anymore.  Nonetheless, at the time, it felt real to me. 

But wait, it gets worse.  As I continued to find links between many conspiracies, I hit one that made me question my sanity.  After firmly realizing 9/11 was an inside job and discovering the truth of several other related, yet “plausible” conspiracies, I started to question myself.  Could I be imagining all this?  How can all these be true?  So, I decided to make a jump to the mother of all conspiracy theories and one that I truly believed was reserved for the whacky; one that I did not believe at all.  It was about our contact with aliens.

And boom.  There was more solid evidence about contact with non-human intelligence than any other topic.  Generals, Pilots, Defense Contractors, CIA defectors, etc.  Tons of them.  It only took a few days for me to realize that there was something more to this.  How can all these conspiracies be true? Was I making a mistake in how I researched this?  Was I seeing something that was really not there?  Was I crazy?  Can a sane person even consider he’s not?

That was it.  I was not in a good place.  This was disrupting my family.  So I tried to go back to my regular life.  And do regular things.  That lasted three months. 

I kept getting sign after sign after sign that I needed to do more with this.  So after three months of trying to ignore it, I took a different route.  I wanted to get an objective opinion and see a therapist.  (I’m not afraid to admit it).  I had my wife choose whom we should see, which she was happy to.  She came with me, as she may have been questioning my sanity as well.

It was a sign from above when after talking for an hour he said the following, “Dave, you are not crazy.  You are quite rational.  There is more.  I am aware of some of this, as well, and have seen other patients that have come in for the same reason.  Is it possible this thing is real and you are supposed to talk about it?  Yes.”  He even suggested Betsy might be in denial about it.  It carried much weight, since she had chosen him.  We had several sessions with him, which I believe saved our marriage and changed the course of our life.

There were others I spoke to, such as my local priest.  But for the sake of keeping this short, I was pointed by those I sought out to follow my heart.  My heart said go on, so I did.

Stage 7:  Crash of My Belief System
Length:  About 6-7 months or about 1000 hours in.
Ever played Jenga?  You start with a solid tower of about 100 rectangular blocks.  Let’s call that your belief system.  As you uncover truths about, say 9/11 or the Federal Reserve, you remove a block.  Like in the real game, the tower does not fall by removing one block.  But as you uncover more truth about our reality, our true rulers, the Illuminati, the FEMA camps, the bankers, the media, the CIA, NASA, those silenced, the whistleblowers and the heroes, the Jenga tower starts to get unstable.

At some point, if you keep researching, the whole thing comes tumbling down.  You realize that just about everything you once knew was false information.  I think this is what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said, “He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”

It was at this point that I was finally able to start rebuilding a belief system based on knowledge, instead of what I was before, someone whose knowledge was determined by his belief system.  Big difference.

Stage 8: Relearning
Length:  Your entire life.
This part was fun for me.  I was already a history buff, but now I was going to esearch what our real history was.  One common theme I had picked up by now was that almost everything of historical significance was a lie.  But the Internet had made an ocean of source material available to me.  It is the biggest library in history, filled with source material.  It is filled with information that has not been tainted by our mainstream media system.  I knew how to find the truth (or at least get closer to it) about any subject. 

However, I still really wasn’t looking much at the Bible.  I had come across many scholars tying their work and the Bible together, but I was still trying to be pragmatic and “scientific” about it.  “Just stick to the evidence and not a 'mythological' book, even if it keeps popping up in my research,” I thought.  Of course, that was part of my old belief system, and that would change soon.    

Stage 9:  I can’t go back.
Length:  Feeling went away completely after 9 months.
Today, I feel blessed to be able to see this.  But, there were times when I wished I could go back and never start looking into this.  Betsy and I pined for the old days before we knew about how false our reality is and the coming deception.  But that passed quickly.  Emotionally, finding this kind of truth can be trying.  It won’t be easy to accept everything at first.  In the end, though, the truth will liberate you (in more ways than you can realize yet).  This type of truth is like love.  No one can describe it to you.  It must be felt to be understood.

There are two quotes, I have become quite fond of, that explain what I am talking about.  I’ll let them speak for me on this one.  The first is by Oliver Wendell Holmes.  “A mind once stretched by a new idea can never regain its original dimensions.”  And the second one is by Jim Davis who said, “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.”

Stage 10:  This Got Biblical
Length:  It took 9 months to realize this is tied prophecy in the Bible.
Easily the most incredible night of my entire foray into these subjects (and maybe my life) was November 22, 2011.  By now, I fully understood the elite control grid.  Up to now, I thought this was a human plot, having been handed down from generation to generation.   

I was watching my fourth or fifth interview of an Illuminati defector, this one of a guy named Roger Morneau.  (Look him up).  Each one of the Illuminati defectors mentioned contact with the spirit world, but it still hadn't really hit me.  Roger did as well, but went further to say, he had been in the presence of Satan, himself.  He was a 75 year old man, trying to make good on his life.  I believed him.  Suddenly a strange feeling came over me like a nuclear goose bump attack.  I realized this whole conspiracy was Satanic in nature and being administered by the same entity that we were clearly warned about in the Bible.

Waves of thoughts raced through my head.  More Bible proof.  Satan is real.  Jesus must be real.  All the conspiracies, the ability to keep it quiet, and the incredibly long-standing plans suddenly become much more viable if headed up by something that has lived for thousands of years.  All the cryptic quotes from Presidents made sense.  Everything made sense.

And is that so crazy?  The Bible clearly discusses his existence as a reality.  Everything else I’d discovered about Bible predictions was 100% accurate, unlike what mainstream media had me thinking, which was that it was a book of mythology.  Maybe, I was the idiot for being deceived into thinking that book is myth.  The Bible predicted he’d trick almost everyone.  And he'd almost tricked me.

I’d already changed quite a bit as a person, but on this night my destiny changed.    

Stage 11:  Sadness
Length:  Various days from 9 months to present.
I realized how humanity has really blown it.  We keep falling for the same tricks.  We have been given every chance and we became what we were in the days of Noah, just as predicted.  We think we are so advanced with our technology, but all this has been done before and we are further away from God and happiness than ever in human history.  

We bought into a lie, perhaps the biggest in history.  Even the smartest amongst us, have been tricked.  And we only believe the lie because it so large and it's so hard to go against the group.  That weakness in mankind is why another holocaust can happen.  There are signs happening all around us right now, yet most people can’t see them.  And so many people are going to be led down the wrong path because they will have no idea what is really happening when it counts. 

This is also when I questioned the ethics of presenting this to other people.  Who am I to judge that this information should be learned at the expense of comfort in our daily lives?  Can I be so certain about it that I shove it down someone’s throat?  Whatever it was that bestowed this information upon me, may want it shared.  Can I keep this to myself and not give others a chance to prepare?  What is the right thing to do?  In the end, I feel I am supposed to put this information out there and whatever is done with it after that is out of my control.  I am simply a messenger.

Stage 12:  Acceptance & Clarity
Length:  3-24 months.  Beginning to see versus seeing all takes a while.
I surrendered myself to the idea that I am not really in control of my life.  The forces that work on us are nothing like what we’ve been taught.  We have been given free will, which seems to be an absolute right of we humans.  However, it also seems that forces that pervert our sense of right and wrong have been able to influence us. 

After about 1000 hours, I could see most of it.  Lots of dots still needed to be filled in, but like a paint-by-numbers project, you can see what the picture is going to be long before you have all the dots painted.

Since, I have been spent another 3000 hours filling in the dots.  Nothing surprises me anymore.  I wish I was wrong about this, but I am not.  It's not like I missed a decimal place or something.  Whether I, or you, want to believe it or not, the truth is our reality has nothing to do with what most of us believe.  I think the people that don’t figure this out, might fall into one of the many traps that have been placed before us.  Those traps are set to capture your soul, plain and simple.  I believe my role is to help people see how this deception will work so they can avoid the traps. 

Stage 13:  Preparation
Length:  On-going.  Started with food and supplies.  Now focused on soul.
Yes, at this point, I am prepared for what’s coming in a physical sense.  We are stocked up on food and supplies and all that.  But, I spent too much time dwelling on that part of it.  I also scared a bunch of people when I was talking about stocking up.  It was a misplaced sense of trying to help.  Now that I really understand what is happening, I realize this thing is going to be at everyone's doorstep soon and the only preparation that is important is that of the soul.  Our physical lives are nothing compared to the life of the soul.  For me, and my family, that is our main focus.    

Stage 14:  Hope
Length:  On-going.  Fear dissipated as I read more in the Bible.  Hope set in.
Bottom line.  No Bible prophecy has ever been wrong.  Contrary to what most of us believe, that truth is that Bible gives some huge and massive hints as to when the calamity begins.  And we are in overtime right now.  The prophecy also says the rescue ship is on the way.  And if you can accept that the Bible is true and Jesus is the Son of God, then you have the map to be rescued and taken to a paradise-like kingdom.  I can’t really envision how that is going to play out, but I believe I will see this in my lifetime.  Frankly, I believe my Mom will see this in her lifetime, and she’s 82 years old.  And if you told me three years ago that I would have ever written something like that, I would have laughed you out of the room. 

Stage 15:  Action
Until that day happens, I will do what I can to wake people up to what is happening.  I don’t even need to tell someone to look at the Bible.  I suspect anyone that looks into this and stays with it, will ultimately reach the logical conclusion that the Bible has accurately predicted what has and will happen.  And it provides a simple roadmap to heaven.  You see, everything in our lives has been constructed to keep us from looking at that book. 

With that said, I am not here to be a preacher.  I feel my role is to educate people about the deception that will come.  What is done with this information is beyond my control.  If you have read this far, this is your wake up call.  From here it is up to you.


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