Satan's Battle Plan

By David Hooper
February 13, 2013

For those that want to understand more about the real war raging, comes a quick synopsis of the enemy and their operations.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” – Ephesians 6:12   

Quick Overview 
Satan is a good magician and recruiter.  He cannot create.  He can only manipulate and deceive what has already been created.  And he’s done an excellent job of deceiving the whole world.  He is not dumb and can speak every language around.  He is more intelligent than a human, but he is not perfect.  He makes mistakes.  And he can be beaten. 

His efforts seem to be heavily invested in two distinct areas.  The first is in the coordination of the coming deception and keeping its plans out of the public’s view.  Vast resources have been used throughout history for this plan.  His second focus is in the recruiting and retention of his key people.  He and his network manage many people integral to his operations (some related by blood, some not, some willingly, some not, some knowledgeable, some not).  He uses a combination of reward and punishment to keep his people in line.

His Goal 
His main goal is to capture as many souls as possible during the upcoming tribulation, by getting you to accept his mark.  He aims to keep the population ignorant to what is really happening in the world, while separating us as much as possible from God, love, Jesus, the Bible, etc.  He wants us to be ignorant of what’s really inside the most significant book in history.  This means getting people to think they’ve read it when they haven’t.  This also includes getting people to forget he ever really existed. 

Revelation 14:9 - "And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God's wrath . . ."

He feeds hate and fear to the populace through his all-encompassing media empire.  He keeps us pre-occupied and in a state of agitation.  He has done (and will do) anything to keep us blind to the coming deception.  He wants us ignorant so that we will make a mistake and give ourselves to him, willingly or unwillingly.  He (or his agents) will offer you a chance to join his system by accepting a chip or a mark.  He wants you to take it.  It is going to sound like an obvious choice for most people.  He will do everything he can to get you to take it, including to threaten your life if you don’t.  If you are unaware of what you are agreeing to or what the consequences are, it will be difficult for many to choose wisely.  He knows that if you accept his mark, he has beaten you and his main goal is accomplished.  He has your soul. 

Quick History of Satan 
First known as Lucifer, one of God’s greatest angels.  He fell for having pride and wanting to dethrone God.  The Bible does not give much information about this, although other books and manuscripts from antiquity discuss this complex set of events in greater detail.

Nonetheless, there was a war in Heaven and he and his follower-angels lost.  Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.  And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”  The Bible indicates a third of the angels were cast to earth.  The Book of Enoch indicates it was 200 angels.  Either way, Lucifer became Satan and the fallen angels become demons.

They were cast down to earth to dwell until the end times.  Several attempts at world domination have all been repelled to date.  Pharos Caesars, Popes, Kings and Presidents have all ruled, whether secretly or openly, in his name.  1 John 5:19 states, “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”  That certainly has not changed since the time of John even if the history books we’ve been taught say otherwise. 

A new plan developed sometime in the 1700s was established to get people to think Satan was not real, but a mythological creature.  It was called Satan’s Great General Council of the 1700s.  Amongst other goals, that same plan intended to destroy the Bible without burning it, by introducing the theory of evolution.1  Many history books were altered, destroyed or vaulted away, that did not fit the new “official” story.

If this were a chess game and you knew how to play chess, you could see that we are a move away from checkmate.  Sadly, most people don’t know the game they are playing or how the pieces move.  He and his followers own the media, military, government, banking system, and education system of every major world power.  And the vast majority of the population is asleep and completely unaware of this and the coming test; a test that many believe is immanent.

Command Structure 
Satan is at the top with a bunch of demons working under him to influence the hierarchy below.  For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.” – Revelation 16:14.  Bloodlines have been mixed with a few human families.  These families are the ruling elite.  Satanic bloodlines make up true ruling families of earth, throughout all history.2  Many people exist throughout all parts of the organizational chart, but are unaware of the greater plan.  They are simply lost souls that traded some earthly things for eternal death.   

Revelation 9:11 - “They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit.”

Hierarchy of those in the Satanic System
·      Satan
·      Demons (former fallen angels)
·      Demonic Bloodline Families (Names unknown)
·      Earthly Ruling Elite (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bush)
·      Committed Followers (Dick Cheney, the Clintons, Kissinger)
·      Agents (Jack Ruby, CIA, Oliver North, NIST, Disney)
·      Dupes (Beyonce, Sirhan Sirhan, Darwin, Madonna, Eminem, Oswald)
·      System Workers (Regular, good people unwittingly fulfilling the satanic agenda). 

There are too many tactics used to mention them all.  But, deception seems to always be a core element, whether used on the masses or even on his own top lieutenants.  Getting people to unknowingly further his agenda in the name of “good” works on most.  This means regular people wanting to do a good job and be a good role model are used to carry out his plans, unbeknownst to them.  Teachers are used to teach false history.  Police can be used to carry out corrupted orders.  Biologists are used to make weapons instead of cures.  And so on.  Many of us can’t afford to stop working for his system anyway, because of our debts (ironically, owed to the banking families he rules behind.)  Many of us work in areas that actually serve Satan while we think we are doing good.   

2 Corinthians 11:14 -  And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.” 

Those born into his family are taught he is a benevolent, but misunderstood god.  He treats them well, as his own children.  They have access to most earthly possessions available to man.  Secret knowledge is compartmentalized and handed down through these families.  These are the rulers of the earth.  They are taught that they are above the rest of humanity; that they are enlightened (or illuminated).  For non-family members in key positions, riches, power, success and freedoms are promised.  Positive rewards are used first.  Fear of death is used as a last resort to keep people working or keep them quiet.  All this is to get people to act in a way that furthers the satanic agenda. 

Few know the overall plan, except at the highest levels (which seems to be well-above presidents).  Each person working to further the agenda knows as little as is necessary in order to fulfill their role, many knowing nothing.  Most of his workers are dupes like media stars, judges, scientists, and politicians.  They are hardly aware of the larger plan and are just being used to fulfill the real agenda.  Some only had to say one thing they didn’t believe or sing one song about the devil or suppress one thing they discovered or pass one law they didn’t agree with.  These are corrupted souls willing to lie for profit.

The strategy is to secretly control education, banking, religion, energy, food, water, governments, military, and media by controlling the leaders of those institutions.  Shroud truth under many layers of deception, making plans hard to see.  Get everyone working with a flawed belief system.  Push humanity toward a constant erosion of morals.  Expose humanity to a constant light brainwashing through television.  Continue pushing a slow, gradual separation away from God, Jesus and Bible through a mass media campaign spanning several decades (at least).  Sustain attacks on human body with vaccines, medicines, water, contaminated food and false information to keep populace tired and passive.  All of this is to keep us from seeing the truth.

2 Corinthians 4:4 -  “In their case the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 

His Motivation
With all that said, there is one thing many have trouble understanding.  Why would he do all this?  What is his motivation?  Revelation states that he is going to be locked up for another 1000 years (after the impending tribulation) and then ultimately destroyed.  Why wouldn’t he just capitulate, apologize and throw himself on the mercy of God?  Something inside me tells me he can’t read the Book of Revelation or maybe even the whole Bible.  But how could he not know what is written in there?  If he keeps helping prophecy get fulfilled, like he has been, he is going to end up dead, in a lake of fire.  Is he in the middle of a rage-filled outburst lasting thousands of years?  Does he just want to destroy the human race out of jealousy because God put us above him?  Was he created by God to test our free will; to test us?  Can a human even understand his motivation with what we know?  It is much easier to analyze evidence of his activity, which is tangible.  As far as his true motivation, it’s hard to draw conclusions.

Satan’s Fears & Weaknesses
He fears the masses.  He fears goodness, kindness and love.  If everyone knew what was happening, he would have no power and humanity and peace would win in an instant.  Unfortunately, too many of us are hypnotized and can’t see the big picture.  But if we could all wake up now, humanity would win. 

The people in his system fear exposure.  This means they fear the Internet.  The same way Paul used the Roman roads against this evil cabal two thousand years ago, we are using their system against them today in the form of blogs, websites, documentaries, interviews, etc.  It is spearheading a worldwide mass awakening, of which I am a part (and now you too), meaning they need to act soon or dump the plan. 

Earning knowledge and awareness can save us.  But few are willing to invest the time.  So, if we can’t do that for ourselves as a people, then the only one that can save you personally is Jesus Christ.  It’s that simple.  For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:13.

Progress Report 
Satan is winning the war.  Humanity is a move away from checkmate.  Most of the damage was done in the last hundred years or so as moral decay has accelerated and his control system is completely set up.  Most of the human population is unaware that a war is even being waged, in spite of massive signs throughout all history, and especially, recent history.  God, the Bible and Jesus are distant thoughts for most, except the devout.  Many self-admitted Christians are also pretty far away from God, unbeknownst to them as well.  Many of us are committed to the satanic system, albeit unwittingly.  And many of us are going to be deceived in the final days into accepting the satanic system.   

Matthew 7:13-14 - “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”   

Upcoming Plans 
There is a massive confluence of prophetic visions, ancient writings, historical calendars and of course, the Bible itself that all point to a worldwide shift set to start right now.  Some call it the tribulation.  Many of the ruling elite brazenly discuss this impending event, even labeling it the harvest of souls.  Either way, it is the final culmination.  And it is going to last about seven years.  

Everyone will be tested.  We are all about to decide the fate of our soul.  Matthew 13:39, “And the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels.”  After Jesus gathers his people, Satan owns all the remaining souls.  His system is not about money, comfort, power or luxury.  Those are just a means to an end.  The end is capturing your soul.  Most people don’t understand this.  This war’s final battle is about getting you to make the biggest mistake of your life.  It’s as simple as that.  And the final battle is starting now.   

How to Beat Satan  
The Bible provides a clear and simple roadmap to Heaven.  Getting there is a victory for you and a loss for Satan.  Basically, know about Satan and how he works.  Don’t fall prey to his system.  Know that Jesus is coming back to save those that believe in him.  And ask to be saved.  Below are six ways to beat Satan.

One.  Understand the tools used against you.  The clues to his existence are in plain sight.  So be aware,  “ . . . so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” – 2 Corinthians 2:11.

Two.  Live well, be strong and have faith.  Don’t worry about material things.  Focus on what you love, not what you hate.  Resist him [Satan], firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” – 1 Peter 5:9.

Three.  Live your life with love and courage, not fear.  The physical body is nothing compared to the eternity of the soul.  “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” – Revelation 2:10.

Four.  Stay faithful, because those that have faith to the end will be rewarded with eternal life in paradise.  It may be hard in the final moments if we do not accept Satan, but anyone that chooses Satan’s system is doomed anyway.  “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” – Romans 16:20.

Five.  Believe in Jesus and ask to be saved so you can be in God’s kingdom instead of Satan’s system.  Then work towards living life the way Jesus wants.  This is what salvation is all about; being saved from death in Satan’s system.  If, for some reason, you want to be in Satan’s world instead of God’s, then you can just ignore all this and follow the herd when the time comes.  

Six.  Beat the test.  Satan’s test is too hard for most of humanity.  The world can’t seem to live in a loving, giving, peaceful way.  Knowing that most of us would blow it, God gave us an easy out.  All we have to do is truly believe in Jesus and his message and we will pass.  And now I know why that guy always has John 3:16 on a billboard at football games.  I didn't get it for 40 years. 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

  1. A Trip Into the Supernatural (Roger Morneau, 1982)
  2. Ibid

David Hooper is an author and entrepreneur.  As a reformed capitalist who has seen the light, he helps spread awareness through his blog,


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