Richard Gage's EXCELLENT Comprehensive Analysis of the THREE Buildings that Fell on 9/11.

Richard Gage's Comprehensive Analysis of the THREE Buildings that Fell on 9/11.
by David Hooper
May 25, 2013

9/11 was only a small part of a much larger plan and the three buildings analyzed by Richard Gage are only a small part of 9/11.  But you have to start somewhere.  Perhaps if you can see one little thing that challenges your beliefs, you can begin to find more pieces of it on your own.

Richard Gage, an architect and the founder of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth ( presents compelling evidence that something is not right with the story we were given.  I chose to put up his presentation because I believe he does well connecting the dots.  There are thousands like him.   

I would consider this video a "must" if you care to wake up to what is really happening in the world.  It's a very small part of the whole story, so don't stop here.  I believe this video is available at, which is now compromised of thousands of engineers, architects, and demolition experts who have all stated publicly that the towers were not brought down by airplanes.

The truth movement has grown to included other groups that were touched by 9/11; pilots for 9/11 truth, firefighters for 9/11 truth, scholars for 9/11 truth and mostly those that lost loved ones on that day, families for 9/11 truth.

These aren't "conspiracy theorists."  They are intelligent, highly-educated Americans whose career intersects with the events of 9/11 and have the courage to come out and demand the truth.  In other words, they know a little more about this than, say, anyone else around, no matter what the pretty newscaster tells you.


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