The Power of Printing Money & Who Prints Ours

The Power of Printing Money & Who Prints Ours
By David Hooper

The Power of Printing Money
Let’s talk about why allowing other people to print our money is so dangerous.  Let’s say, you’re one of a thousand people that want to form your own society on some remote island.  It’s hypothetical, so just bear with me. 

This society is going to need doctors, teachers, farmers, bankers, construction workers, etc.  You get the picture.  As everyone is deciding which job they want, one scheming fellow says he wants to be the banker.  He’ll handle the printing of the money for everyone so that everyone can buy and sell.  He’ll even make sure everyone can start off with some.  So far so good, right?   

As everyone starts to prepare for their chosen profession, they visit the banker.  The banker starts making loans (at a modest interest rate of, say, 8%).  The doctor borrows $50,000 to buy medical equipment.  The teacher borrows $50,000 to get a degree.  The farmer borrows $50,000 to buy a tractor.  And so on.

At the end of this process, let’s say the banker has made loans to everyone on the island in the amount of $50,000 each, at an interest rate of 8%.  Money is circulating, everyone is working and everyone is happy, for now.

But let’s take a closer look at something that is happening.  The banker simply turns a crank to print all the money he lends (or punches a few keys into a computer).  For that effort, each citizen on the island owes him $50,000 plus an extra $4000 per year in interest.  His net worth is now $50 million (1000 people x $50,000 owed).  He will also be earning $4 million in interest each year (1000 people x $50,000 borrowed x 8% interest annually). 

You as a citizen will need to work for a long, long time to pay that off.  Maybe forever, especially if you borrow more.  He, on the other hand, will never need to work again.  The income from his interest payments alone will allow him to live like a king on your labor.  So overnight, you became indebted (or some might say enslaved) to this banker.   

Here’s where it gets worse.  The debt that is owed by the people of our hypothetical island can never be repaid to the banker (even if they wanted to).  Not ever.  Consider it like this.  There is $50 million circulating through our theoretical island society at the beginning of year one.  At the end of year one, there is still only $50 million circulating through the society, but cumulatively $54 million is owed to the banker  (8% interest on $50 million lent).  At the end of year two, there is still only $50 million circulating through the society, but now $58.3 million is owed to the banker (8% interest on $54 million owed).  By the end of the third year still only $50 million is circulating, yet now about $63 million is owed to the banker (8% interest on $58.3 million).  Of course, in the real world people pay interest as they go, but it doesn’t matter because on a societal level the amount of principal and interest owed will always be more than what is in the money supply.  See where this is going?

Let’s look at it another way.  Say the banker called in all the society’s loans at once and we could somehow transfer the entire money supply of our island back into his hands.  That would only cover the principal.  You and the rest of the society would still owe him whatever interest has accrued.  Yet, there is no money circulating through the society anymore, so how can the interest be paid back?  It can’t.  By design.

As time and interest work together, the amount owed to the banker grows to be much greater than the entire net worth of the society he lent money to in the first place.  The inhabitants of this new utopian island are his slaves, whether they know it or not.  (Hopefully, he and his progeny are nice).  Certainly there will be individuals that amass wealth in this society and enjoy greater freedoms, but it will be at the expense of others.  Over time, a diminishing percentage of the population is able to make their interest payments.  Soon there are only two classes of people; rich and poor, which historically brings class warfare and oppression. 

Who Prints Our Money
Now let’s talk about our current banking system.  In case you didn’t know it, our Federal Reserve Bank is not federal at all.  It’s privately owned by about 300 people representing about a dozen families.  Most are of European descent.  The Federal Reserve prints the money for everyone in the U.S. and also owns the Central Banks of the world, which manage the currency for much of the planet’s population. 

Do the math.  The powers behind this banking hoard have great influence over humanity.  A trillion dollars is a drop in the bucket.  You know what people are willing to do for money and they are the controllers of all of it.  They can loan money to those that help their agenda, as they did with the Nazis, and can starve those that don’t.  They can bankrupt entire nations.  You can see the ones that have not adopted their system.  They are all in the Third World.

There are many mechanisms this banking hoard uses to further erode the worth of the population, but let’s keep this one simple.  It is pretty clear that the bankers of today are neither good nor honest people, whether some of us revere them or not.  I am only talking about those at the very top of our central banking institutions, not the millions of people that work as lenders, tellers, branch mangers, risk analysts, etc.

By the simple fact that they work to keep their true identity out of the public domain and instead present themselves as a government institution, when they are not, indicates to me they are not to be trusted.  These people decide kings and presidents.  If you want to find out more about your true rulers, just Google, “Who Owns the Federal Reserve” and go from there.  Go wherever it takes you.  It’ll be very eye opening.

Plenty of others saw this even as it was happening.  It was only eight years and three months after the passing of the Federal Reserve Act that John F. Hylan, who was then Mayor of New York City said in a speech on March 26, 1922:


"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state, and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'International Bankers.’ This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends."1

To put it simply, a country that doesn’t print its own money cannot be truly free.  Our founding fathers knew this.  That is why they insisted that our Congress print our own money.  Unbelievably, our U.S. Congress gave that power away to these banking families in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  The bill was passed in the evening of December 23, 1913, after much of Congress had left early for vacation.  In his book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” G. Edward Griffin does an excellent job of discussing our banking system and its origins.

Forgetting for a moment that our textbooks say differently, many feel that the passage of that act in December 1913 was the decisive and final battle of the Revolutionary War.  Escaping the oppression of this banking hoard is why we came to the New World in the first place.  We fought for a truly free society apart from the kings of England, who answered to these banking families.  We made sure to print our own money.  After several attempts, and 140 years, a sleeping congress gave back what our forefathers fought for.

Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States on duty when the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 passed, had this to say later in his life.

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”2

The next year the IRS, which is not a federal agency either, started collecting taxes from the American people.  The rest is history.  To this day, those taxes are used to pay the interest on all the money printed for us.  America is feeling the squeeze as a larger and larger portion of our taxes goes to pay these interest payments.  In 1913 0% of our taxes went to pay these banker’s interest charges.  By 2012, 52% of our tax dollars are used to pay these interest charges.  And if you remember from the example above, the interest will only increase every year and the debt burden can only go up.  It doesn’t matter what programs we cut or how we shift our budgets.  It doesn’t matter if you are Republican or Democrat.  Economic collapse is inevitable without a massive change.

The banking families can administer that change, which will be a new society of their choosing (some call this the New World Order).  Or the people will rise up and change this on their terms, which means revolution.  One of those two is coming.  It’s inevitable. 

Maybe that’s why so many Americans are arming themselves, although I hope if there is a revolution that it be a peaceful one.  The only way to accomplish good and permanent change is through knowledge and peace.

Controlling the money supply has always been the key to power.   Many theorize that Kennedy was killed because he wanted to get the U.S. to print its own money again.  And that was a too great a threat to the banking cabal.

Back to Woodrow Wilson.  He had this to say in his book, “The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People”:

"Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that prudent men better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

Who could he be talking about?  Some suspect it’s Satan himself that is behind the ruling families of the banking system.  And that the control of currency is only a means to an end; the end being control of the human race.  Oddly enough, the Bible predicts that Satan will try to accomplish this.  It sure would explain all the Satanic symbols on our currency and how we’ve devolved into Sodom and Gomorrah in a short 100 years.

What Can You Do
No matter what you believe, educate yourself.  It’s not that complicated once you look.  Know what is really happening in this world.  Google things.  Write your congressman.  Talk to your co-workers.  Talk your friends. Get your family talking.  Educate others. 

Secondly, get out of debt.  Stop living above your means.  Use cash, not credit cards.  Put your money into tangible things like your home.  Or take a class on how to build a backyard garden.  Stop being a slave to money.  It’s not easy, I know.  But I can tell you having it doesn’t bring happiness.  Remember it’s just a piece of paper that creates separation between you and your fellow humans.  As a fiat currency, it has no real value.  (You can start your self-education process by looking it up if you don’t know what I mean by fiat.) 

Finally, if you really want to disconnect from the banking system, imagine the banking system was gone and there was no more cash.  How would you survive?  How would you feed your family?  What job could you do?  What would you trade to get the things your family needs to survive?  The answers to those questions will get you started.

I’m no preacher, but personally, reading the Bible and getting closer to God has helped me cope with, and understand some of this, and has actually given me much hope.


1.  From a book written by Don Bell, "Who Are Our Rulers?" American Mercury, September 1960, p. 136.

2.  From a book titled, “Repeal the Federal Reserve Banks" by Rev. Casimir Frank Gierut, p.31, circa 1923, he quoted Wilson later in life.

3.  New York and Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1913.


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